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Anyone who lives in South Cheatham County can receive food from The Ark Community Food Pantry. Food pantry is open on Monday from 12-4pm, except for 5th Mondays, it is now a drive through distribution serving an average of 136 families monthly. In 2022, nearly 140,000 pounds of food was given out to the families of So. Cheatham! The Ark CRC works with the Pegram and Kingston Springs Post Offices for the annual Postal Food Drive (second Saturday in May). All you need to do is leave the food in a bag in your mailbox on the designated day and our volunteers will be picking up your donations. The food collected goes to The Ark Food Pantry.
In addition, your donations are accepted throughout the year. You can drop them off Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am till 2pm at Noah's Closet in Pegram (between the Car Care Center and Community Bank and Trust)
We rely on your generous donations of food to feed our families in need. Thank you so much!
Required school supplies and a backpack are provided to students from Kindergarten through High School. In 2022, over $800 worth of supplies was distributed to our students.Your generous donations of money and supplies make this program possible! This event takes place the 4th Saturday in July at Kingston Springs Elementary. The Ark works with the South Cheatham Schools to identify students K-12th grade who need a new “back to school” outfit and shoes.
The Ark Community Resource Center serves 30-40 clients in the South Cheatham Area. Meals are for eligible clients (over 60 and homebound). Clients receive 5 meals each week, on Mondays and Fridays. If you know a senior in need of MOW, please reach out to Melanie Smiley at 615-879-4364, or email her at msmiley.ark@gmail.com. Also, please contact Melanie if you would like to volunteer to deliver meals.
Emergency Utility Assistance is provided as funds allow to residents of south Cheatham County who have lived in their home for at least six months. In 2022, with your help, the ARK provided over $17,000 in utility assistance to our neighbors. Please contact The Ark at 615-457-1931 to make an appointment, or apply during food pantry hours. If you would like to donate to this program go to: https://www.secondsouthcheatham.com/the-ark. Simply fill out the ARK Contribution Application and return to Second South Cheatham Utility District at PO Box 309, Kingston Springs TN 37082 or secondsouth@att.net.
The FUEL program provides ready to eat food on weekends to children that otherwise might have nothing to eat. During the year, it is distributed through local schools. In 2022, the Ark, with your help, distributed over 17,000 lbs. of food to the area's youth. Area churches and individuals provide the food that is distributed.
During the summer months, The Ark is the distribution center for the FUEL Program. Parents can pick up the food during regular Ark hours or during food pantry.
The Angel Tree Program provides Christmas gifts to children who are identified through their schools. In 2022, the community provided over $1900 in gifts to children for the holidays. Angels are available for adoption each year at the Ark, the library and local banks. Sign ups for Angel Tree are done primarily through the schools.
Weekly Senior lunch are the first Wednesday of the Month at Pegram United Methodist Church! Participants must be fully vaccinated. We eat at 11:00am, bingo begins at 11:30am. 60 and up. For more info call Melanie Smiley 615.879.4364.
Each year The Ark provides scholarships to graduating High School Seniors. Applications are available through the schools as well as on The Ark Facebook page. a
(The scholarship has been completed for the 22-23 school year.)